- Topas Shoulder Stretch- start in a horse stanse, bring hands to Namaste inhale the arms back with the palms up and exhale the arms back to Namaste. (repeat 4-5 times)
- Wrist & Forearm Stretch- from your knees point fingers out away from your body, slowly lean from side to side keeping your arms straight, do this 5 times on each side. From the same Position put you palms on the floor with your fingers pointing towards your knees, start leaning back keeping your arms straight fro a ten count.
- Arm Circles- do small circles forward and backwards with hands in a normal position, then switch to do them with finger down and do a large circle in a very slower motion. (Do each one about 20 seconds each).
- Shoulder Stretch- place your right arm across your chest and lock that arm with your left arm at the elbow and slightly pull while breathing on the exhale, repeat the other arm and hold each one for about 30 sec.
- Ballistic Stretches- Huggers- hug your body with right arm on top and left arm on top. Reachers- with good posture reach both arms up into the air with arms close to your ears, then bend over slightly and reach your arms towards the celing with palms up, do a couple of times on each. Swimmers- do a back stroke then a front stroke with each arm, do 4 each way then switch arms.
- Standing Side Stretch- Love this one because it stretches so much at one time- Standing straight up with feet together inhale your arms up above your head, exhale your left arm down at your side and reach overhead with your right arm keeping your hand, arm & elbow straight, hold for 30 Sec. and then repeat on the other side.
- Rollers- Lying on your back with your knees pulled into your chest and your chin tucked in and your arms wrapped around your legs, roll back and forth massaging your spine.
- Shoulder Stand to Plough- I have to do this one up against a couch or chair, bring your hands up underneath your back supporting as you raise your legs into the air, from here slowly lower your legs over your head towards the ground.
- Seated Spinal Stretch- from a seated position pull your right heel into your left buttock and let knee drop to the floor, take your left leg and place it on the right side of you right leg or you can kkep it on the left side and work towards getting it to the right side. Place left hand behind you and raise your right hand into the air inhale on the raise and exhale as you place your right arm on your left knee, make sure you keep you head up, inhale and exhale pushing to turn on the exhale, do this 5 times on each side.
- Cat Stretch- on your hands and knees, make sure your hands are directly below your shoulders and your knees are directly below your hips. Inhale the head up and exhale the head down, chin to chest.
- Glute Stretch- while lying on your back pull left legs up towards your butt, place your right ankle on top of your left leg, reach your arms through the whole and either grab your knee or just in the crease behind your knee and pull or just hold while breathing. Hold for 30 secs. and repeat on other side.
- Wide Feet Forward Hamstring Stretch- with feet wider than shoulder width, inhale your arms up and exhale them forward and over as you bend at the waist, hang there and rest head on your folded arms or just hang.
- Side Twist- from the forward fold place your right hand on the floor or use a Yoga block and inhale your left arm up, hold for 5 breaths and repeat on other side.
- Camel- while on your knees, tilt pelvis forward and chest upward, place hands on lower back while tucking chin to chest. One hand at a time reach down and grab your heel or bottom of your foot, then gently and slowly tilt your head back or stay with hands on your waist area and remember if you do keep your chin on your chest.
- Another Cat Stretch
- Back Hero-vkneel with knees and feet wider than hips, slowly lie backwards sitting between your feet, support your body on your hands, elbows or lie all the way back. Make sure you come out as slowly as you went into it.
- Kenpo Quad Stretch- from hands and knees, pull right knee up between hands. Turn outer ankle out towards floor and sit on ankle. Push left knee back away from body and grab left ankle with left hand, pulling back towards buttocks, repeat on other side.
- Bow- lying on stomach, bend knees, reach behind body and grab ankles. Arch your back, lifing knees and chest off the floor. Increase the stretch by pushing feet against hands for added lift.
- Low Squat- feet shoulder width apart and squat down placing your elbows in between your knees and rock back and forth. Be sure to keep you chest and head up.
- Frog- from hands and knees, spread you legs wide keeping legs in a parallel position. Lower upper body down towards floor while gently pressing hips backwards, make sure to keep legs and hips @ a 45 degree angle. If you don't feel anything from this try moving you buttocks back a little, you should feel that.
- Seated Single Leg & Two Leg Hamstring Stretches- just make sure that from either of these you flex your feet towards you.
- Standing Split Leg Hamstring Stretch- make sure that you have enough space in between your legs to get the proper stretch, and that you do it on both sides.
- Toe Flexors- from a standing position point and flex your feet 8 times on each foot and then circle you feet to the right 8 times and then the left 8 times.
- Downward Dog with calf raise- from a push up position push you body up into downward dog, spread your feet out and bend one knee nd then the other, this is better than using the wall to stretch.
- Upward Dog with Ankle Stretch- to get into upward dog go down like doing a pushup, then rasie your chest up and make sure you let your head out of the cage, separate your feet wide and stretch out your ankles.
- Finish off with Child's pose
Just follow this guy with everyting that he does, this is the P90X Yoga routine, just the start but has some very good stretches in it.
This guy is doing some of the smae stretches that you seen above, this is just a different version of those stretches. However, he does a really good standing side stretch, plough and some others so check this one out as well.
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