Sunday, July 31, 2011

Day 81

AMAZING Workout Yesterday!  Yoga X in the P90X series just moves me in ways I can't explain, well I can but it might take a while.  Today was the first time I made it all the way through the entire workout, I have been doing this workout a lot, but never got this far, it's an accomplishment that I will not forget.

This workout is the key to the whole program, if you can make it through this workout you can do any of the other ones with ease.  I consider myself blessed to have found this workout and my Routine.  Without either of them I would still be struggling along letting this disease have it's way. 

Yoga X has added so much strength to my core is crazy, but so true!  I remember early on this routine kicked my butt; however, I continued to practice and push myself to finish strong with each workout, and that is where I found the (chi, the yen and yang) to complete this workout.  I believe that Yoga X might be the answer to all my questions.  Let me explain!  What I mean by this comment is:
  • Yoga builds strength in places I didn't think was possible
  • Yoga gives me an inner peace which allows me to control my stress levels
  • Yoga has given me a passion for working out, something I never thought I would have again
  • Yoga is the key to this whole workout, it opens the door to all the other workouts
  • Yoga has decreased the amount of pain I have to deal with on a daily basis
  • Yoga has opened my eyes to a whole new world of exercise and fitness
  • Yoga is the yen and the yang, that has built strength in my balance and legs
  • Yoga is the complete workout, that I could see myself doing on a daily basis
This workout is one that I look forward to each week, I like the other ones but not like this one.  I have opened the door to so may good things because of this workout.
I am looking forward to the legs and back workout later today,

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Day 80

Yesterday was a very hard workout, mostly because I pushed myself a little further with Back & Biceps.  I know it's my fault but I want to be sure I give myself every opportunity to change.  This workout is so tough without the push because of all the curls.  Just imagine how many different ways one can do a curl and I am pretty sure I did it yesterday in the workout.  This workout is not really about size and strength as it is about changing my muscles for my Disease.  The muscle confusion is working along with my recovery routine, by putting them both together I have found something besides pills that helps me deal with Fibromyalgia.

My goal is not to stop though, I want to see how far I can go with this new discovery.  I know that I have to be careful though, I do not want to hurt myself in the process.  Now that I know my body can handle the workout and the weights I am going to give each workout just a little more each time.  I am a little surprised at how my body has responded to this workout, but I knew how strong my juice was, now I know that it's a little stronger than I thought.  I really think that the juice has stepped it's game up right along with the workout.  Maybe this doesn't make sense to you, but it does to me.
I know that this whole Journey would not be possible without the Juice. 

I am looking forward to the next 10 days and the completion of this Journey, but I am really looking forward to Yoga later today.  Bring It P90X!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Day 79

Yesterday was Plyometrics and yet again this workout kicked my tail, but I wasn't very sore today, that's my routine's fault.  I will take that though!  This workout is tough on my body, because there is a lot of jumping off the ground and a ton of lunges. For some reason I like the workout though.

Maybe because I can do most of the workout with no problem.

My legs felt like jello when we were done, but it quickly went away.  I have found that I am not very good at cardio workouts, so that is something I need to work on in future workouts.  This is very surprising to me, when I was younger I was very good at things like that.  I guess Fibro. has done more to my body than I thought.  Now, I just have something else to work towards!

I am looking forward to another weight workout later today, it seems the harder I work the better I feel so you better believe that I will be bringing it these next few days that I have left in this Journey.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Day 78

Yesterday was Chest, Shoulders & Triceps and today I am sore.  I new it was coming though, I pushed so hard in the workout to see if I could and what result I would get from it.  So I expected this day of soreness and I have to say that it's not as bad as I thought it would be.  My routine is one of the reasons the soreness is not as bad as it could have been.  It has been a workout changer, I have been adding to it as I go through this Journey, picking up different things to help me recover faster and faster.

What makes this workout so tough?
  • There are different kinds of push ups, one that you wouldn't do everyday.
  • There are weight lifting exercises that work the muscles you don't use.
  • Plus, more push ups where the whole body moves from side to side (Hate those)
  • There are weighted arm circles ( these hurt) but it's a good hurt.
This workout is just different all the way around, I have only done it three times, so it's not a regular workout, but I still like what I get from this workout.

I think this week is where my size is going to come from, so I am trying to get the most out of this week.  I am looking forward to Plyometrics later today.  Ready for a cardio workout!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Day 77

Yesterday was amazing!  If you suffer with a muscle disease this is something you might want to try.  I never thought that stretching would do so much for me, but it has and I love every minute of this workout.  What I like most about X Stretch is you can pause the tape and stretch for a longer time or you can skip one that you don't need.

X Stretch is one of the best workouts in this series.  Yoga X is #1 for me, you might be different!

When I started this Journey I struggled with my flexibility, a lot.  Now, I am more flexible all over my body and this does wonders for my Fibromyalgia. 

My Top 10 Areas Where I Have Seen Increased Flexibility:
  1. Standing Side Stretch- when I started this my stretch was horrible, now it has take shape and it looks 1,000 time better.
  2. Shoulder Stand- I couldn't even do this one when I started, now I can do it and hold it for a while
  3. Plough- again I could not do this one either, now I can drop my legs back over the couch and soon I will be at the floor.
  4. Glute Stretch- I was able to do this one but not right.  Now I can do it and do it right even pulling my arms towards my body to increase the stretch.
  5. Wide Feet Forward Hamstring Stretch- Early on I could only go as far as my knees, now I can go to the floor, almost putting my palms on the floor.
  6. Back Hero- couldn't do at all, now I can and even put my palm on the floor behind me.
  7. Bow- in the beginning I could only reach one ankle, now I can reach both ankles and pull up to form the bow.
  8. Seated Single Leg Hamstring Stretch- early on I could only reach my knee, now I can touch my ankles, never thought that would be possible on either side.
  9. Standing Single Leg Hamstring Stretch- early on I could only reach my knee, now I can touch the floor with one hand and the other hand is past my ankle on both legs.
  10. Camel- in the beginning I could not do this without cramping out, now I can not only do it but hold it for the full time.  I am almost to the point where I can take my hands off my waist and reach them to the floor to increase the stretch.
As you can see this workout is amazing and it gets results, that's the most important part of the whole exercise.  I know that when I started this Journey, results is what I was looking for.  I have noticed that my increased flexibility has changed so many things.  My pain levels have disappeared to almost none, my core has gotten so much stronger and my workouts have gotten better.  I would recommend this workout to anyone who struggles with muscle pain.

I am so looking forward to starting week 12!
Until Next Time,

Day 76

Yesterday was Kenpo and again it was another great workout.  I have started using this workout to burn calories, and I think it is working.  This workout does more for me than I thought it would in the beginning.  I have gained some much needed flexibility from this workout and my muscles love the break they get when this workout comes up. 

I was able to complete the entire workout again this time.  I have been able to complete almost all the workouts the further I get into the Journey.  This is the key to success with the P90X Workout.

Kenpo is not an easy workout, there are no weights involved, but there are a lot of punches and kicks.  That alone will test you to the limit.  Why? Because when you throw a lot of punches and Kicks, it is key not to bang your joint or pull a muscle in the process.  You have to make sure that you get a real good stretch before the workout, that to is the key to success in this workout.  I try to stretch before I start the video, just to make sure I am ready to kick and throw the punches. 
I am so looking forward to X Stretch today, I need a good stretch for my whole body.
Until Tomorrow,

Monday, July 25, 2011

Day 75

Yesterday was Legs & Back, this workout always kicks my tail!  It doesn't matter how far into the workout I get either, this workout kills me.  Maybe it's because of all the squats and lunges.  I know that the workout is making me stronger, I am just wondering when I will make it all the way through.

Last night I missed some of the exercises because my legs were cramping up, this was the first time I had cramps in this whole Journey.  I knew one day I would have to deal with this and I am glad it happened so late in this Journey.  I was bale to battle through the workout and I pushed through to the end but it was a challenge. 

Today I fully expected to have sore legs but to my surprise they were not sore, that is a complete testament to my routine.  I had to start it right after the Ab Ripper X workout and it continued throughout the day.  I am pretty sure that without my routine I would not have done the next workout in this P90X Journey.

Why is this workout so tough?
  1. Sneaky Lunges- where your heals can not touch the floor 20 reps.
  2. Side to Side Lunges- from a standing position lung to the right and to the left 20 reps.
  3. Calf Raises- three different sets with 15lbs weights in each hand: toes pointed toward each other 25 reps, toes forward 25 reps and toes pointed out 25 reps.
  4. Wall Squats- sitting on the wall for 1 min and 30 seconds
  5. Step Back Lunges- with both feet side by side, step back for lunges with 8lbs weights in each hand 15 reps on each side
  6. Dead Lift Squats- using no weights bend over and touch the floor while in a squat position
  7. Super Skaters- doing a squat with one leg off the floor and that leg goes toward the back of the room while the same side arm goes toward the front of the room 25 reps on each side.
  8. 10 Different Pull Up Styles- doing close grip overhand and reverse grip + 9 more different kinds of pull ups, enough to give the legs a break every now and then.
I love this workout, but it wears me out.  I am looking forward to Kenpo later tonight, day 76 is right around the corner.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Day 74

Yesterday Was Amazing!  Yoga X was the workout and I am sold on the fact that this is the best workout in this series.  This workout alone does so much for me and My Diseases, there is no doubt in my mind this is the anchor in the P90X Journey.  Without this workout and the progress I have made, I would not be where I am right now. 

Early on I was just trying to get through the first 45 minutes, now I am soring like an eagle through the whole workout, something I never thought was possible.  I still haven't conquered all the poses, but every workout brings success and that's all you can ask for.  I have even found myself practicing the poses throughout the day, in the shower, at work in my spare time and anywhere I think about this workout.   My mind has done a 180 when it comes to Yoga.  I have even been on Google looking for new poses to help me increase my progress.

When I started this Journey, Yoga was the one workout I wanted to skip, that was until I did the first workout and woke up the next morning feel amazing.  Now, I am counting down the days until I can do this workout again and again. 

Top 10 things that Yoga X Does for Me and my Diseases:
  1. Added Flexibility
  2. Strength
  3. Core Strength
  4. Mental Toughness
  5. Balance
  6. Muscles Rebuilding
  7. Toughness
  8. Stress Release
  9. Muscle Strength
  10. Muscle Growth
All of these 10 things have completely changed my Diseases and my body.  I never thought that yoga would give so many things, but it has and I am loving every minute of it.  Now, my goal is to add to each of these 10 things each and every time I do this workout. 

My goal with this Journey is to change my diseases, and I believe that I have already done that.  Now I just have to take it to the next level.  Looking forward to Legs and Back later today.
Bring It,

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Day 73

Yesterday was Shoulders & Arms, and let me just say WOW!  I used more weights than I ever have (this is becoming a regular statement as of late), and I think the reason for this is because my body is adjusting so well to the increase from workout to workout.  Over the last couple of Weeks I have started using more weights, steadily increasing from one workout to the next.  The muscle confusion is what allows me to do this, with that piece missing it would be difficult for me to do.  I am so surprised with how much I can do, with the weights that is.  When I first started this workout, I was doing 5-8lbs in almost every exercise.  Now, I am doing 15-30lbs with every different exercise.  In just 60 days I have made so much progress that I am totally amazed.  I think I might even increase to 35-40 in this next week of workouts.

One of the main reasons I am able to continue to improve is my Routine.  It has been a while since I have spoken about this.  But without this routine I would not be where I am right now.  I wake up every morning and do the same thing over and over.  I have to say it is much better than waking up with a disease that's out of control.  In fact I have found something that my Disease doesn't like, exercise.  Wish I would have know this years ago, I would have made the jump a long time ago. 

I am so looking forward to Yoga X Tomorrow, really can't wait!
Bring It P90X!

Day 72

Yesterday was Plyometrics and what a workout it was.  I think from the start of this workout I have under estimated Plyometrics.  Just now starting to see what I am gaining from this workout.  It took me a while to see this, but it is all beginning to become clear.  This workout is giving me stamina, just like a cardio workout would.  Plus, I am gaining some much needed balance in my lower body.

I am looking forward to what I am going to get from this workout throughout the rest of this journey.  So far Plyometrics has not given me any problems, I don't get very sore after doing this workout.  That's a plus for me, because most of the workouts are tough, so it's nice to have a workout that is different. 

I believe that I have gotten so much stronger and that is what helps me get through workouts like Plyometrics.  The added strength allows me to push a little harder and to get more out of each workout.  At first, I didn't like this workout, but now I understand what it's doing for me and my Fibromyalgia, and I love the workout & the results that I am getting.  Looking forward to weights tomorrow!
Until Next Time!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Day 71

Yesterday was another great workout, although, I know that after weights and Push Ups I will not feel the real soreness for a couple of days.  I did a lot of push ups and that usually takes a couple of days for the soreness to set in.  The workout was tough because I did more reps in all the different exercises throughout this workout.  I felt it, right after the workout, my arms were very tight.  Today however, I do not feel that bad!  I have gained so much strength in these last 70 days it just blows my mind.  

This whole journey is not about big muscles, it's about changing my disease.  I believe that I am on the right track with this workout.  I may not get where I want with this first round, but somewhere down the line I will find a way to ease this beast of a disease. 

The progress that I have made already is amazing.  Before this workout I would wake up with no feeling of life, my disease always had control, now it does not! I may have a little more soreness each day to deal with but for the most part it is gone by mid morning. 

I remember doing this very workout on Day 1, I was doing maybe 5 push ups and I was on my knees because I couldn't do them the right way.  Now, I am doing them the right way, and on day 71 I did 10-15 of each one.

Push Ups Round 1:
  1. Standard Push Ups- I did 15
  2. Military Push Ups- I did 10
  3. Wide Fly Push Ups- I did 15
  4. Decline Push Ups- I did 10
  5. Diamond Push Ups- I did 10 (this is the only one I did on my knees because of my wrist issues)
  6. Dive-Bomber Push Ups- I did 15
Round 2:
  1. Standard Push Ups- I did 15
  2. Military Push Ups- I did 10
  3. Wide Fly Push Ups- I did 15
  4. Decline Push Ups- I did 10
  5. Diamond Push Ups- I did 10 ( from my knees)
  6. Dive Bomber Push Ups- I did 10 (to tired to do any more)
If you combine all them together I did 140 push ups last night, way more than I ever thought possible in a thousand years.  This total is all about how this program has changed me and my body.  This shows my progress from the start of this workout to now, my goal is to get to 150 and I think I can do it.

The workout was Chest and Back, but my arms are the body part that felt this workout the most, at least right now.  I am looking forward to Plyometrics tomorrow, this workout will test me to say the least.  It's more of a cardio workout, and I struggle with those.  Bring It P90X, is that all you got!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Day 70

Yesterday was amazing!  X Stretch is like my new best friend, I do it all the time, but yesterday I needed it real bad.  This workout stretches my whole body and it releases so much stress and I think I had a little to get rid of.  This was the first time I had gone through the whole workout, I usually only do what my body needs.

I felt so awesome this morning when I woke up, I almost didn't want to go to work, but I did!  A normal morning is full of soreness, today I was not sore a bit.  I owe that to X Stretch last night!

This is another complete workout that I have progressed in this workout so well though.  When I started my flexibility was very bad, now it is so much better, that I believe it has allowed me to push myself in each and every workout.  In the beginning I was at my knees on every stretch, now I am at the floor with both hands.  That just amazes me!

If I had to pick one Stretch out of this workout it would be single leg hamstring stretch from a standing position.  I love what this stretch has done for me in every workout that I do.
I am looking forward to starting week 11 later today!
Until Next Time,

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Day 69

Yesterday was different, I was tired, that hasn't happened lately, but I guess vacation caught up with me, or it cold have been the ride home (14 hours).  Anyways, the workout was Kenpo and I surprised myself.  I was able to do the whole workout, I threw every punch and kick in this routine.  This was the first time for me, but I hope it's not the last.

Kenpo is a different kind of workout, but I like what it gives me!  I think this one has helped me more than I thought it would.  Let me explain! 

In the beginning I thought this workout was kind of stupid, but now that I am 69 days into the workout I see the bigger picture.  I have gained so much flexibility in this workout, never saw that one coming.  I see how each workout supports the next.  Just three days ago I was sore and my stretches did nothing for me, now I can touch the floor, and I think that most of that comes from doing it so much, but the other part is this workout.  Before I started this workout, I could not kick at all now, I still struggle with my balance, but I can get through the workout a lot easier than I could in the beginning. 

Early on I was afraid of throwing punches and kicks, now that I am stronger and more flexible it takes less energy to complete this workout.  My stamina has gone through the roof and I like that. 

I am so looking forward to X Stretch later today, I need a good stretch after a long week, plus it will get me ready for next week.  Like I said before each workout supports the next one, so today's workout is very important.
Bring It,

Monday, July 18, 2011

Day 68

Yesterday was Legs & Back, it was a tough workout, we drove 14 hours in the rain and very slow traffic all the way home from Destin, FL the day before and I was so tired.  Somehow, I found the strength to do this workout and finish it as strong as I could.  The Ab Ripper X workout at the end just about did me in.  I am not sure how I finished this workout, but I did!

Legs and & Back is a tough workout for me, because it is the weakest part of my body.  I have always had problems with my posture and my legs, so a workout that focuses on legs and the back is so tough.  I have found that stretching really helps me get through this workout.

What is so tough about this workout?

Answer, there are a ton of lunges, some with weights and most without, but they are still lunges.  My legs always feel like jello when I am done, and I still have the ab workout to follow.  I thought real hard about skipping the ab workout, but I am glad I didn't.  Even though my abs haven't formed like I would like them to, I know that repetition will pay off in the end.  I still haven't been able to do the Ab workout from start to finish.  This is the only time I feel cramps in my muscles, it's always during the middle of the ab workout.  I usually take it easy in the middle of this workout, I am to scared to push myself to the limit.  However, my abs have never been sore the next morning, which I feel this is a good sign that I can push a little harder, I just have to be careful.

I m so looking forward to Kenpo later today, I think I can push through this week with a strong showing, only time will tell. 
Until Next Time,

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Day 67

Yesterday's workout was amazing!  Yoga, is a complete workout that does more for me than I ever thought possible.  I remember in the beginning of this Journey, there was a lot I couldn't do, now I am able to do those things.  Like for instance, sshoulder stand and plow, both of these I could not do just a couple of weeks ago. 

What I like most about this workout?  I can go from one week to the next and everything is different.  Last week there were things I couldn't do that I was able to do this week.  This workout is complete and it works the entire body.  Yoga, works the whole body as well.  The first 45 mins of this workout is so tough, it doesn't matter what kind of shape you are in, it gonna kick your butt.  I remember the first couple of times I did it, "I thought there is no way I will be able to do this".  Now, I am doing it, something I never thought possible.

Yoga is awesome, I believe that this workout has changed my life, my stamina, my workout routine and my body.  I love how I feel after the workout.  I am a little tired but my body feels amazing, this workout comes after two very tough weight workouts, so my body needs the rest by then.  Also, it stretches parts of the body that are very hard to stretch, that's why I like it so much.  I am so looking forward to Legs and Back tomorrow.  I can't wait to see the end result!  Bring It P90X,

Friday, July 15, 2011

Day 66

Yesterday was Back & Biceps and it was another great workout.  It was a day filled with a lot of curls done a bunch of different ways.
  1. There are regular curls- I did them with 15lbs
  2. There are one arm concentration curls- I did them with 10lbs
  3. There are hammer curls- I did them with 20lbs
  4. There are in and out curls- I did them with 15lbs
  5. There are curls in a lunge position with one arm on your knee and the other resting on that arm- I did them with 15lbs
  6. There was a different set of regular curls with a hammer down- I did them with 20 lbs
Then you have the different pull ups mixed in to keep your muscles guessing all the time.  Plus there are 2 different lawn mowers one with elbows in and one with elbows out, I did both with 20lbs.  This is the most weight I have lifted since starting this P90X workout. 

I know the soreness will set in in a couple of days, but I am hoping that Yoga X will take some of that soreness away.  I do not have much soreness right now, just my regular from waking up, so usually every morning I start with the cream and then later I will stretch it out.  This has been my routine from the beginning of this workout, and so far it is working.  It usually takes 2 days for the soreness to set in from a weight workout, so I know I have a small window to take some of that away.

P90X has given me so much to look forward to, a lot of added strength, and most of it is core strength.  I am looking forward to the end of this Journey and what the outcome will be.  I am so looking forward to Yoga X!
Until Tomorrow,

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Day 65

Yesterday was awesome, Plyometrics is a cardio workout that always kicks my butt.  It's almost like I get lulled to sleep at the end of each week and then bam, a tough workout and then Plyo.  The workout is not real bad, it's just a lot of squats and lunges, my body struggles with both.  My legs are very sore today but not as bad as my arms were from the workout the day before. 

I have found that using X Stretch as often as possible really helps with my sore legs.  So I do a lot of this routine each and everyday.  I have found that my muscles are easier to stretch right after a workout like Plyometrics.  Lately I have been stretching for about 20-30 minutes after a leg workout, I have gained so much more flexibility because of this.

I am finding new ways to strengthen my core, and that helps me get through the tough workouts.  I really love what P90X is doing for me each and everyday.  I have gained so much strength and flexibility, I never thought this would be possible.  Ready for the Journey to continue!


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day 64

Yesterday was a good workout, I finally did all of the regular workout and 80% of the Ab Ripper X workout.  I am feeling it today though!  Both workouts were very tough, and I am sore, sore, sore this morning.  Yesterday I lifted more weights then I ever have, using 15lbs on each exercise, all though 1/2 the exercises were without weights.  I am still making progress with each workout.  I have found some very important things out.  Like my muscles grow at night, it helps me not to take it easy in a workout and I do better the earlier I workout.  All thing that I have learned by doing the workout and studying my results.

Today I am sore under my arms, on my shoulders, in my abs and my triceps.  These are all the places I worked extra hard yesterday.  My workout was early yesterday, so I had all day to recover.  I have used my cream a lot these last few day to get my muscles ready for the coming weeks.  Plus, I have doubled up on my Vemma to really control the muscle pain.  What I have noticed these last few workouts is my body is changing it's form and my muscles are getting bigger and stronger.  My pain levels have gone way down and I feel amazing.  Thanks P90X!

I am very interested to see the end result in just 25 days from now.  I am getting ready for Plyometrics later today, but because I am so sore from yesterday I am going to wait until later today to workout.  I like to workout early, but I don't want to push to far.

Until Next Time,

Day 63

Today was amazing, not only am I in Destin, FL, but X Stretch just made my day.  We are having to much fun on vacation that I decided to continue the P90X Journey right here in Destin.  I absolutely love what X Stretch does for my Fibromyalgia & Lupus.  It just amazes me each time I do the workout, how much better I feel. 

I am so looking forward to week 10, after that workout.  I am ready for the burn, I am pretty sure I will finish this workout, it's just a matter of what my two diseases will do when I finish.  Right now, I am doing pretty good, it will just depend on how hard I push these next few weeks.

I am not real sore today, which I expected that since I stretched my entire body out yesterday.  Really looking forward to a weight workout later today.  Looking ahead to Yoga, it is that awesome!

Until Tomorrow,

Monday, July 11, 2011

Day 62

Yesterday was Kenpo and another great workout.  My body has adjusted to the different workouts so far, they change from day to day, and that is why I think the muscle confusion is working. 

Kenpo, is one of those workout where you could bang your joints if you are not careful.  So instead of throwing punches and kicks, I spend more time using my whole body to do the workout.  I have found that my body responds better when I do this workout this way.  I really don't have soreness today, but the beach was very rough today and I think it beat me up worse than the workout did. 

Still I am following my routine even though I am on Vacation, this is the only way I could continue this workout.  I feel really good today, even though I took 2 days off for the trip up here to Destin.  I thought my body would be sore, but it's not that bad.  I am looking forward to X Stretch later today, this exercise will get me ready for the week, so I will do the whole workout tonight.

Until Tomorrow,

Friday, July 8, 2011

Day 61

Yesterday was Legs and Back and it kicked my tail yet again.  I have not mastered the easy workout week followed by a tough one.  I get very winded on the cardio workouts, but I am getting better.  I can say that my legs are feeling the workout last night, but it's not too bad.  Where? In my hamstrings and in my calf muscles.  My legs are not tired though, I just feel it when I bend over or squat down.  Other than those two things I am okay!

I like what this workout is doing for me and for my Fibro., I am gaining some much needed strength in my lower body and legs.  This helps me at work and it is one reason I am getting further and further into this workout.  The Legs and Back workout is very tough!  There are a lot of lunges with and without weights, makes for a long workout because Ab Ripper X is afterwards, my legs always feel like jello.

P90X, is intense and the muscle confusion is working for my Fibro. & Lupus, time will tell if it works like I want it to.  I am looking forward to Kenpo, but I am waiting to do it on Saturday in Destin, FL.  This time tomorrow I will be on vacation, relaxing and continuing my Journey.

Until Next Time,

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Day 60

I have reached another milestone in this amazing Journey, Day 60!  When I set out to do this workout I really never thought I would make it to this day.  But, I have and I am very proud!

Yesterday was Yoga, and I always know what I am going to get out of it, some hard working that will pay off later on.  All my life I have heard people talk about yoga and how awesome is it, I never listened, now I am hearing all those people all over again. 

If you have a muscle related disease, I want to offer a challenge to you, try Yoga.  You don't have to go all out like P90X, and Yoga X, but find a video at wal-mart and try it to ease your pain.  I love what this workout is doing for Fibro. it has completely changed everything.

I have made a ton of progress with this workout routine.  In the beginning I could not make it through the first 45 mins, it was too tough, now I can go all the way through the first 60 mins. doing all the different poses.  I never thought I would be here.  I am so proud of my progress physically and for my Fibro.  it turns out that P90X has been the best thing to happen to me all year.

I have put some of this workout in my routine, because it is so good.  I now have something to look forward to each and everyday, and this workout has given new life with my Disease.

I want to encourage all the readers to try something, it may not be P90X, but get off the couch and start stretching, work Yoga into a routine, lift weights (they can be small ones), you will thank yourself later in life.
I am looking forward to Legs and Back later today, this workout always pushes me to the limit.

Until Tomorrow,

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Day 59

Wow! Shoulders and Arms + Ab Ripper X just kicked my tail, I pushed a little with this workout today and I thought I would pay for it this morning, but I was good.  This is a complete testament to my routine, which I started right after the workout.  I know without a doubt in my mind that I would not be able to do any of this workout.
Today, I lifted more weight than I ever had, I was completely worn out afterwards, but I recovered very fast, thanks to Two Old Goats and Vemma.  These 2 things mixed with a little stretching has allowed me to accomplish so much. 

The Ab Ripper X is still impossible for me to complete, but I will keep pushing myself to one day complete this workout.  I have made it further and further with each new time that I have done it, so I will just keep pressing forward.

Now, I know that through this workout most of my soreness comes on the second day after we do weights, so I will just have to wait and see if this happens again.  All in all, most people with Fibro. deal with pain right after a workout, so I am blessed to not have do deal with this on an everyday basis.  I love what my routine has given me day in and day out.
I am getting ready for Yoga , can't wait for this workout!
Until Tomorrow,

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Day 58

Yesterday was Plyometrics and what a workout!  I just thought I was ready for this workout, I got tired real quick, but was able to finish strong.  However, I had to skip some of the exercises in order to finish strong, but I only skipped them once, you see with this workout you do 4 exercises and then repeat them.  So even though I did skip a few, it was still a great workout.

Plyometrics is more of a cardio workout, than it is legs!  This workout take me to the limit each and every time I do it, and I dig that.  I can say that my legs felt like jello afterwards, but I was quick to start my routine ASAP, so that I could recover for today's workout.  I am in the best shape of my life right now and I have lost 22 pounds and gained so much muscle that I never thought possible.  Now the question remains, will this change my disease.  Only time will tell!

I just noticed today that I have added muscles in my legs and arms, maybe they were always there, but not as big as they are now.  When I stretch my legs I see muscles I have never seen before, this is so amazing!  Workouts like Plyometrics, these are the ones that help build these muscles.

Yesterday's workout might prove to be one of the best ones so far in this Journey.  Why?  It was the first time I was winded and tired, but i had the strength to push through.  This was the first time I had experienced this in the 57 days that I have been doing P90X.  So to me this is the turning point of this Journey, the next few days will tell a whole lot.
I am looking forward to today's workout,
Until Tomorrow,

Monday, July 4, 2011

Day 57

Yesterday was pretty tough, but I was able to finish the workout.  I had taken 2 days off one of the days was for me, the other was because I worked real late.  I thought that it was going to be hard for me to get back into the swing of things, but so far today I do not feel that.  I know it may take a day or two, and also, I lifted weights yesterday, probably the most I have so far in this workout routine. 

I have found that if I take it easy on my body, I feel it more than if I push a little.  So, since I have figured this out I have been pushing a little harder with each new workout.  Yesterday was Chest & Back + Ab Ripper X, so it was a very tough workout.  There were a lot of Push ups, pull ups and weights.  Despite all the different exercises I was able to push through and finish strong yet again.  I have leaned on my routine a lot today, and will continue to do so throughout the day. 

In the beginning of this workout I used 5lbs weights on just about every exercise.  Now, I have upgraded to 15lbs and 20lbs on each workout.  I am not really looking for big muscles, but I do want to give this workout a chance to do what I hope it can for my Diseases.  So far the muscle confusion is working, my muscles stay confused most of time, and that is my hope all the way to the end and beyond.

Usually when I lift with this workout, it takes a couple of days for the real muscle soreness to set in, but I usually feel a little on the day after.  Today I feel no real soreness, besides what I feel all the time.  That soreness is always the same, so I know the difference in the two.

I am getting ready for Plyometrics later today, Jump training!
Until Tomorrow,

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Day 56

X Stretch is an amazing workout, but I only did half of the workout today.  Instead of doing all this workout, I did half of the X Stretch and the first Half of Yoga X.  I really needed both today, so I changed it up a little and it was worth the change.  I felt so much better after that workout, so it was needed, plus it allowed me to get prepared for these next 4 weeks of workouts without a break.

X Stretch has completely changed my life and my body.  I am a different person physically because of this workout, it has changed everything for me.  I even think this workout has changed my disease.  I recover faster and faster each time I do this routine, I know that over the next couple of weeks my body will be put to the test and I will have to lean on my routine heavily to get me through.  I am looking forward to these next few weeks, sounds crazy but it is true.

Right now I feel amazing, I can't wait to get to the end to see how I will feel then.  I know what I have to do!  I just have to do it!

Until Next Time,