Monday, August 29, 2011

Week 2

This week was another amazing one, I love what I am getting from this workout and how well my body has reacted to each and every exercise.  This has been an amazing journey so far and I am looking forward to what is to come.

I still love the Yoga and X Stretch workouts, but the other workouts are growing on me as well.  I am still increasing the weight in every exercise that I can, to help with my diesease and to increase my strength all over my body.  I still believe that what I am doing will pay greatly later in life, it's something I want to be able to pass along to others with this disease (Fibromyalgia) and other ones like this.

What is so amazing to me is everyone at work is so stressed and feeling the pressure of Management, but with me I am so relaxed and calm, not really who I was in the beginning of this disease.  I love the stress relief that P90X has given me, but I actually think that most of the relief come from the stretching and Yoga. 

I am looking forward to week three and what I will get from these workouts, I have gotten even stronger these last two weeks.  Ready to start again!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Week 1

This is very different for me, I am used to posting everyday and seeing how each workout effects me on a daily basis.  However, I think I am going to like this a little more, I have seen how the workout effects me on a daily basis from the last Journey, to how my body is going to react from a week to week basis.  Plus, this time around I am using more weights, I have increased the weights on almost every exercise so far, and I feel really good.  I really thought that I would struggle in the beginning of this new Journey, but so far that has not happened.  I will be looking for it to come though, I just know that I am putting my body to the test, so I will be ready when it happens.

I still love the Yoga workout, to me it's the core workout in this entire Journey, and I knocked it out of the park this week.  I had trouble in the middle of the workout, but was able to recover pretty fast to finish.  This new Journey will be tough, but I believe that I am ready for it.  I have been preparing myself daily for this new Journey, to get more out of it.
My GOAL with this workout is to change my disease, not to build muscle, but it would be nice to do both.  Because I love how I feel right now, I feel really good and I know that this is just the beginning of something new. I am looking forward to what each new week will bring.  My weight is still down and my muscles are growing, which makes my pain levels almost disappear, awesome for me!

Week Two starts tomorrow,

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Day 90 & 91

What a way to end this Journey!  The last 2 days had to be the best of this whole adventure.  The workouts were X Stretch & Yoga X, my two favorites in this whole P90X workout routine. 

I thought when I started this whole thing, there was no way I would ever get to the end.  I am here though, and very proud to be here.  I really thought that it would be tougher, this P90X workout is one of the hardest workouts on the planet, and I knocked it out of the park.  Now, I may not have gotten the same results as others did when they completed the 90 day challenge.  However, I finished and to me that's enough for me this time around!

Since I have completed the course and know that my body can take it, the time has come for me to step it up a little.  I have already started a new Journey and I am looking forward to the results that I am going to get this time around, knowing that my body can handle this workout I think that it will be different. 

The first 91 days of P90X has done some great things for my two muscle diseases, my Fibro. has changed and that was the result I was looking for.  Most people do this workout to lose weight, I did it to change my Diseases and I think it is working.  I feel completely different right now than when I started some 3 months ago.  My goal is not to feel different, it is to change my stars and I think I am well on my way to doing just that. 

I am going to continue this blog, because it's the way I can tell my story, but I am not going to post everyday like I have been.  Instead I am going to post weekly, so when I finish a week I will tell about it in the post, there are 13 weeks in this new journey.  My hope is that I will see better results in these weeks than I did in the first Journey.  One way I will see better results is by ramping up the workouts, by lifting more weights and completing all the workouts.

I am looking forward to what will come from this new workout, so stay tuned to this blog for more info. on what P90X is doing for Fibromyalgia.  Bring It!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Day 89

Yesterday was still tough, but I got more out of this Core Synergistics workout than I did just a few days ago.  I was more prepared for the total body workout this time around.  This exercise routine is starting to become one of my favorites of this whole Journey, because it is so tough.  It is going to take me another go around to get this one down.  I am pretty comfortable with all the different workouts in this P90X workout, but this one is just so tough.  I like it that way!

What make Core Synergistics so Hard?

You have to use your core on almost every exercise, and if you don't learn how to control your core you will struggle with this workout.  The last time I did this workout, I did not use my core very well.  This time I did some things differently and I made it through the workout with more energy.  I like the idea of using your whole body on every exercise, it almost like you have to think while you are working at the same time.  I am not used to that!  Every workout has something that you should focus on while you are working out, but this one goes to the extreme, and I am starting to like it.  There are only about 4 exercises that use weights, and this workout is the toughest one of them all.  So I guess weights doesn't make the workout tough!

I am getting ready for the last 2 workouts of this Journey, they just happen to be my favorites of this whole P90X Routine, Yoga X & X Stretch.  I am almost to the end, so pumped right now, can't believe that I made it through this amazing journey.  Want to throw myself a party, but don't have time for that, but I am very proud.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Day 88

Today was tough, the workout was Kenpo.  I am thinking it wasn't just the workout, I was tired.  However I still did the workout and finished the whole thing, but it wore me out.  I still like what this one is doing for me and my fibro., it is increasing my flexibility in places I never thought possible.  The kicks and punches have gotten stronger and better than when I first started this journey 3 months ago.  My body has responded very well to this workout and I feel like this one has helped almost as much as the Yoga X workout. 

I really do lie the Stretches before the workout, I have added a couple of them to my routine that I do everyday to help me recover for the next workout.  These stretches have added some much needed flexibility to my legs and hamstrings, both weaknesses of mine for a long time. 

Kenpo Stretches before the workout:
  • Straight Arm Reaching Torso Twist- reach right arm up tall and grab your right wrist with left hand, with wide feet reach to the left with a straight back across to the other side and back up tall.  Now repeat this time going all the way to the floor to increase the stretch and repeat on the other arm.
  • Kneeling Lunge/Reaching Arm Stretch- from runners pose kneel down and raise you arms like you are in cresent pose, hold for 30 seconds, and repeat on other side.
  • Lying Hamstring Stretch- with both feet straight keep one leg on the floor and raise the other leg up into the air, hold for 30 seconds, then go for toe lock or hold same position and lower that leg out to the side keeping the other legs stright on the floor, lay you other arm out to the side and look that direction.  Repeat on other side.
  • Pigeon into Kenpo Quad Stretch- from your knees place your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your waist, bring your right knee to your hands and collapse forward.  Then slide your back leg up a little and reach back to grab your ankle on that leg and pull by leaning forward.  Repeat on other side.
  • Frog- still on hands and knees, spread legs wide, keeping legs in parallel position.  Lower upper body down towards the floor while gently pressing hip backwards.  Modify intesnity by resting on forearms.
These are a great way to start or end your day, or at least it is for me.  I love what these have done for my body and the results they have given me over the last 3 months.  I have to recover fast today, because I have Core Synergistics later tonight.  Getting pumped about the finish,

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Day 87

Yesterday was tough, Core Synergistics was the workout and it kicked my tail.  This is one that I dread when it comes up because it's a total body workout.  Core Synergistics is a beast of a workout, but kind of fitting for a beast of a Disease. 
From the very beginning of this workout you will see why it's a beast, there is no holding back in this one, either you give it your all or it will take it from you.  I have figured some things out while doing this workout, if you use your core to get you through the hardest parts you will be able to finish strong in the end.  I think it is designed that way.  This is what makes the workout so tough, if you are unable to use your core, you will be to tired to finish.  That has happened to me a few times.

I was surprised that there was no soreness today though, I expected to be very sore from the workout.  However, I do have to give that credit to my routine, it got me to this point and it sure got me through last night's workout.  I love the way I feel right now, I am pretty tired but that's not from the workout, I have worked a lot of hours this week at work.  I know that if I hadn't started this workout when I did, I would be struggling right now at work.  P90X, is the real deal, and while I will not get the results that most have received in doing this workout, I will have accomplished one thing.  I proved that someone with 2 muscle Diseases could make it through a very tough Workout Routine.  You see in the beginning I did not try to build the muscles that most did with Workout.  I have proved my point, and now in the second round I will get the results that come from this workout.  Plus, I have not followed the meal portions for the P90X Journey, nor have I quit drinking sodas.  The next round will be different, I know now what I need to do, it's time to take it to the next level.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Day 86

Yesterday was another Awesome workout, X Stretch.  It was supposed to be Core Synergistics but I had to work late and so I reversed a couple of the workout to fit my schedule.  I did the Stretch workout because was the workout that best a best fit  for the time crunch I was in.

Plus, I already do most of this workout on a daily basis.  I am so amazed at how well I have done with the stretching in this Journey.  When I started some 86 days ago I never thought I would be here right now.  I can touch the floor on a couple of the Standing stretches, never thought that could happen, but it did!
The seated stretches are amazing, but when I started, they sucked.  I could not reach past my knees on any of them, now almost to my ankles, blows my mind.

I am glad I switched the workouts, because for some reason I needed to stretch really good and I did.  I am trying to get ready for Core Synergistics later today, this one is so tough, because it's a total body workout and the toughest workout in this Journey.  This workout will make you better, so I am glad I stretched today to get my body ready for this one.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Day 85

Yesterday was another amazing workout, my goal is to be able to master all the moves and poses in this Yoga X workout.  I am close to being there but I still need more work!  I absolutely love Yoga X and what this exercise does for me and my Diseases.  I feel amazing after each workout, but it did not start that way.  In the beginning, I was not sure if I was going to like this workout, because it was very hard to do.  As the days have passed and my body has gotten stronger this workout has gotten easier. 

My core strength has improved so much and it's mostly from Yoga and Stretching.  My body almost feels no pain throughout the day, and it's because I do Yoga.  I never in a thousand years would have thought that Yoga would do this for me.  Had I known this, I would have started this a long time ago, very happy that I challenged myself with this P90X Journey.

Given all that I have accomplished throughout this Journey, if I didn't have my routine, I would be at day one still.  This is no joke, my routine is what got me this far.  I have been asked so many times if I feel pain or if I have flare ups.  The answer is simple but hard for most to understand, I have not had a flare up ONE TIME during this whole journey.  The reason is the simple part, my routine is solid, so solid that I am starting over with my family when I finish the first journey. 

My Routine
  • First when I wake up I apply the Two Old Goats to my Shoulders, Arms & Abs
  • Next I stroll to the Fridge and drink a 2oz shot of Vemma
  • Then I Stretch my Hamstrings with a forward bend, then a one legged bend on both sides, to a seated glute stretch on both legs, I usually go right into the Kenpo Quad Stretch or Pigeon
  • I stretch my arms and Shoulders only if they need it with what I like to call a morning stretch, then  I stretch the arm across the body and then to a triceps stretch over the head.
I use these stretches almost everyday, usually after the X Stretch & the Yoga X workouts I do not stretch in the morning, because I don't need the Stretch to get going. 

I have to say that it's an amazing feeling to wake up feeling refreshed and ready to go, a feeling that before this Journey began I did not know what that felt like.  Now, I get that all the time and it is completely amazing.  I am so pumped to start the last week of this Journey off with Yoga X.  Now I am getting ready for the last 6 workouts, so Bring It P90X!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Day 84

Yesterday was amazing, I mean what a way to end a long week.  X Stretch was the workout and man did my body needed that today.  This week was tough on my body all the changes at work and with my body, it was time to relax and have a good stretch.

This workout is just plain amazing for my Fibromyalgia, plus it's a great starting point to a new week.  Today I am starting my last week of this Journey, I am so pumped about making it through this 91 Day challenge, and X Stretch is the reason I am here to this point.  I love everything about this workout, the stretches are amazing and they get to a point of starting over and I love that about this workout.

What makes X Stretch so amazing?
  • The stretches start at the neck and work their way down.
  • You spend a lot of time in certain areas: Hamstrings, Lower Back, Abs, Neck and Shoulders
  • You leave the workout feeling refreshed
  • The workout sets you up for success throughout the P90X Journey
  • Other than the Yoga X Workout, it's the best workout in this series
I am ready for the last week of this Journey now, I wasn't sure I would feel ready to complete the workout after the week I had, but after X Stretch I feel ready to complete the journey.
Bring It!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Day 83

Yesterday was a good workout it was Kenpo and I am just starting to like this one.  At first I didn't like it, but it kind of wears on you after a while.  I was surprised yet again that I was able to go through the whole exercise with no problems.  I have actually gotten better at the kick, I mean the height in my kicks have increased since the beginning of the workout.  I think my increased flexibility has a ton to do with this, I am doing things now that I have never done, and it's because I am more flexible now than I ever have been. 

This workout has a lot to do with my added flexibility, without it I would not be as far as I am right now.  If I only get that from this workout I will be happy.  When I add strength in my arms and mid section it is important that I have the right amount of stretching to condition those muscles, that's what I get from Kenpo.

I am so looking forward to X Stretch later today, I need a good stretch after the week I have had.  My Job at Wal-Mart is heating up and the stress levels with everyone is growing, X stretch and Yoga help me get through times like this.  Plus, this week was tough on my body during the workouts, I think my body is changing again, and that was tough on me the first time I went through this, so the stretching exercises are very important.
Until Next Time,

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Day 82

Yesterday was a good workout but the day off killed me.  I never thought the workout was going to end, but I stuck it out and finished it strong.  Today my body was not as sore as I thought it would be. 

The workout was legs and back so to me it was the perfect one to take a day off on, I was going to take the X Stretch day off, but work kept me out of this one and I didn't want to push to hard after coming so far. 

The workout is a tough one for me, I was blessed with bird legs at birth, so working on legs is a tough one for me.  There were parts of this workout I was not looking forward to, but I still pressed on.  That has been my motto from the beginning of this whole Journey, no matter what obstacles present themselves to me, I will just press on.  I guess the hardest part about legs and back is all the different lunges, most of them have weights, unlike the other workouts that have lunges those are with no weights.  The weights make the exercises harder, you have to maintain form, and that can be tough with extra weights. 
I am looking forward to Kenpo later today and then it's X Stretch, ready for that workout.
Until Next Time,