What can I say about yoga? A Lot!
This workout is very good for the body, but it is a tough workout. The hardest part about yoga is the poses and holding them as long as they do. Next, would have to be doing the same poses over and over and my muscles getting tired. I know that through time I will gain strength in those areas, and that only comes from doing as much as I can when I do this workout.
About 30 minutes into this workout I was worn out. I still continued on though, I know in moments like that the workout will make be better. Those moments are when my muscles find relief, it sounds weird, but it is true. When I was tired and ready to stop, I closed my eyes ad started tried to relax and feel the calm of the workout, in that moment I found the strength to finish.
I want everyone to understand how hard Yoga X really is. This workout is 1 1/2 hours long, and it takes a lot out of you. If you can make it through the first 45 mins. of this workout, then you can do this workout.
I think that yoga is adding strength to the core parts of my body, and I really need that! My back is getting so much stronger and my stretches have improved so much over the last 4 weeks. I will need all of that next week as the real workout is about to start. When I first opened the P90X workout, I looked ahead and thought I would never get to this point, in 2 days I start week 5 and I am so pumped. Yoga has gotten me to this point! I believe this!
Until next time,
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