Yesterday was very tough, but I kinda did it to myself. I was going to take it easy in this workout, but instead I decided to go for it. The workout was Back & Biceps, and I have always used 5lbs and 8lbs on every workout up until this workout today. This time I went a little deeper into the workout and used 15lbs, on just about every exercise, now I did give my muscles some relief here and there by using 8lbs.
I am very interested to see how sore I will be from this workout! I have learned that the soreness doesn't come until the 2nd day after the workout. The only reason I went for it in this workout was because Yoga was the next workout after this one. I have done so well with the yoga workout, blocking out everything and pushing forward. I thought this was a great opportunity to change things up a bit, so I went for it. Tomorrows post will have more info on what this does to my body. As I am typing this I already feel a little soreness settling in, so I guess we will see.
My routine is what has gotten me to this point and I ramped it up a little after this workout, instead of one sot of Vemma this morning, I had 2 shots, plus I used the goat cream a little more today. I will do the same tomorrow, just to make sure I take care of my body. I still feel like this workout is changing me and my disease. There really is no way to measure how much of a change is taking place, but I just have to trust my body and my Diseases to know that this will happen.
This workout so far is the toughest of them all, the concentration is on the biceps and there are a ton of curls, I have never seen so many different curls in one workout, but we did them. I think the difference is, muscle confusion, there is something about this and Fibro., for some reason I can do this. I still believe it's because of my routine, but I guess we will see.
I am so looking forward to Yoga tomorrow, can't wait! The best things in life are not Free, So Bring It P90X!
Until Tomorrow,
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