Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day 64

Yesterday was a good workout, I finally did all of the regular workout and 80% of the Ab Ripper X workout.  I am feeling it today though!  Both workouts were very tough, and I am sore, sore, sore this morning.  Yesterday I lifted more weights then I ever have, using 15lbs on each exercise, all though 1/2 the exercises were without weights.  I am still making progress with each workout.  I have found some very important things out.  Like my muscles grow at night, it helps me not to take it easy in a workout and I do better the earlier I workout.  All thing that I have learned by doing the workout and studying my results.

Today I am sore under my arms, on my shoulders, in my abs and my triceps.  These are all the places I worked extra hard yesterday.  My workout was early yesterday, so I had all day to recover.  I have used my cream a lot these last few day to get my muscles ready for the coming weeks.  Plus, I have doubled up on my Vemma to really control the muscle pain.  What I have noticed these last few workouts is my body is changing it's form and my muscles are getting bigger and stronger.  My pain levels have gone way down and I feel amazing.  Thanks P90X!

I am very interested to see the end result in just 25 days from now.  I am getting ready for Plyometrics later today, but because I am so sore from yesterday I am going to wait until later today to workout.  I like to workout early, but I don't want to push to far.

Until Next Time,

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