Sunday, July 31, 2011

Day 81

AMAZING Workout Yesterday!  Yoga X in the P90X series just moves me in ways I can't explain, well I can but it might take a while.  Today was the first time I made it all the way through the entire workout, I have been doing this workout a lot, but never got this far, it's an accomplishment that I will not forget.

This workout is the key to the whole program, if you can make it through this workout you can do any of the other ones with ease.  I consider myself blessed to have found this workout and my Routine.  Without either of them I would still be struggling along letting this disease have it's way. 

Yoga X has added so much strength to my core is crazy, but so true!  I remember early on this routine kicked my butt; however, I continued to practice and push myself to finish strong with each workout, and that is where I found the (chi, the yen and yang) to complete this workout.  I believe that Yoga X might be the answer to all my questions.  Let me explain!  What I mean by this comment is:
  • Yoga builds strength in places I didn't think was possible
  • Yoga gives me an inner peace which allows me to control my stress levels
  • Yoga has given me a passion for working out, something I never thought I would have again
  • Yoga is the key to this whole workout, it opens the door to all the other workouts
  • Yoga has decreased the amount of pain I have to deal with on a daily basis
  • Yoga has opened my eyes to a whole new world of exercise and fitness
  • Yoga is the yen and the yang, that has built strength in my balance and legs
  • Yoga is the complete workout, that I could see myself doing on a daily basis
This workout is one that I look forward to each week, I like the other ones but not like this one.  I have opened the door to so may good things because of this workout.
I am looking forward to the legs and back workout later today,

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