Sunday, July 24, 2011

Day 74

Yesterday Was Amazing!  Yoga X was the workout and I am sold on the fact that this is the best workout in this series.  This workout alone does so much for me and My Diseases, there is no doubt in my mind this is the anchor in the P90X Journey.  Without this workout and the progress I have made, I would not be where I am right now. 

Early on I was just trying to get through the first 45 minutes, now I am soring like an eagle through the whole workout, something I never thought was possible.  I still haven't conquered all the poses, but every workout brings success and that's all you can ask for.  I have even found myself practicing the poses throughout the day, in the shower, at work in my spare time and anywhere I think about this workout.   My mind has done a 180 when it comes to Yoga.  I have even been on Google looking for new poses to help me increase my progress.

When I started this Journey, Yoga was the one workout I wanted to skip, that was until I did the first workout and woke up the next morning feel amazing.  Now, I am counting down the days until I can do this workout again and again. 

Top 10 things that Yoga X Does for Me and my Diseases:
  1. Added Flexibility
  2. Strength
  3. Core Strength
  4. Mental Toughness
  5. Balance
  6. Muscles Rebuilding
  7. Toughness
  8. Stress Release
  9. Muscle Strength
  10. Muscle Growth
All of these 10 things have completely changed my Diseases and my body.  I never thought that yoga would give so many things, but it has and I am loving every minute of it.  Now, my goal is to add to each of these 10 things each and every time I do this workout. 

My goal with this Journey is to change my diseases, and I believe that I have already done that.  Now I just have to take it to the next level.  Looking forward to Legs and Back later today.
Bring It,

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