Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Day 25

WOW!  X Stretch is the best!

I have done this workout 5 times now, and it just keeps getting better and better each time I do it.  This workout is getting easier each time I do it, probably because I am getting more and more flexible with each workout.  I have started using the stretches from this workout all day long, when I feel the need to stretch I do it.  I never dreamed of ever being this flexible!

The best thing about X Stretch is I can relax now and enjoy the workout, before I was struggling to get the poses down and therefore it was a tough workout.  The design in the workout is awesome, you have a heavy day followed by 2 day of calm relaxing workouts.  My body is allowed to recovery a little longer which is great for me.

I know that the real workout starts in week 5 so I am taking this week in slowly.  I thought it would be easy, but I have been challenged to the extreme this week.  However, I have been able to push a little more this week, and that is good for the coming weeks ahead.  My goal is to have a Beach Body, and I am well on my way.  I want to prove that no matter who you are, anyone can do this workout!

I love my Routine right now, it has gotten me through this amazing workout, and I could not have even tried this without it.  The 2 old goats cream is amazing, I love what it allows me to do in each and every workout.  The Vemma is still going strong and my body is recovering faster than I thought it would.  Tomorrow I will use the Verve to get me through my 12 hour day with Wal-mart so I can do Core Synergistics, a very hard workout.
I have noticed that I have a lot more energy at work even without the Energy Drink, Before I started this workout, I was tired everyday about 3 or 4, but now I can go all day without feeling tired.  That is a big deal when you work 12 hour shifts.  Plus, before I went into Management with Wal-Mart, I worked 8 hours and was dead tired when I got home.  The workout is doing more for me than I ever thought possible.
P90X Rocks!
Bring It!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Day 24

What a workout yesterday!  I think I have figured out how to use this workout for improvement.  Instead of throwing punches and tearing a muscle or something worse, I am using this workout to better my flexibility and strengthen my core muscles.  There are exercises all through this workout where you are supposed to throw punches with your arms, I use my whole body instead and I got a much deeper workout.  I am very cautious about hurting myself with this workout, so I have been taking it a little easier on my body during this workout, until today! 
I used all the different exercises differently than I have before.  First, in the section where you throw punches I used my shoulders and legs more than you are supposed to.  Second, In the kick section, instead of trying to kick like they were on the video, I found a level that worked for me and stuck to it all the way through the workout.  this was a huge benefit for me and my legs actually feel much better the day after the workout.  I am still pushing myself to go as far as I can, I am just taking precautions to take care of my body for the future.  Lastly, in the section of the workout where there are a lot of combo moves I used all my body to do those moves and WOW what a workout.

If I continue to do this with this workout I will get better results and that's what it is all about.  I am so looking forward to tomorrows workout X Stretch, by far the best stretch exercise I have ever done.  I will explain more in detail in tomorrow's post.  Stick around to hear this!  I think anyone can do X Stretch, and buying the workout is worth it just for Yoga and X Stretch.

Until Tomorrow,

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Day 23

What a day!  Core Synergistics was a total body workout, and tough to say the least.  I worked things I didn't even know I had.  It was very tough, and I was again unable to do most of it.  Still, I stuck with the complete workout, and I only used weights on a few of the moves.  Today, I am pretty sore, in my arms and back, but still no Spasms. 
This workout is the change that I needed, I was getting used to the workout, for the last 3 weeks and now the change is just what my body ordered.  Core Synergistics, has been the hardest workout so far but the best to my knowledge.  Just when my body got adjusted to the first three weeks, there was a change, and now my muscles are confused yet again.  This is the amazing part of this workout!  The muscle confusion is working so well right now for my body, I can't wait to see what comes next!

My flexibility has gotten so much better it just blows me away.  When I started this workout I could not touch the floor without bending my knees, now I can!  Flexibility is the key going forward with P90X and now I see it.  I have worked in a couple of extra workouts myself to help improve my flexibility over the past couple of days.  I am so excited, to see the change in that area, it actually has helped my Fibro. as well.  I know this sounds weird, but I feel my Disease changing.  My muscles are getting stronger and I am developing core strength in places I never thought possible.

I owe it all to my personal routine though.  I start with Vemma in the morning and two old goats as often as I need it.  If  I am working I use Verve (The Energy Drink From The Vemma Series), if not I sometime use it to replenish my body after a workout.  Some of you have asked how I am able to do this workout, this routine is how.  I follow it to the t! Without this I could not even attempt this workout!  No, I am serious! 

Think about this with me!  Fibromyalgia, is a muscle disease, how could one person do what I am doing, a workout that pushes you to the limit.  Before I was on the Mangosteen & Minerals, I experienced muscle spasms everyday, and nothing I tried helped.  Now, I am on the Mangosteen & Minerals and I am doing one of the hardest workouts around.  I don't have to ask myself How, I know!
Yesterday, after I finished the workout, I was really sore, so I drank a Verve and within minutes I was feeling better. Tomorrow is Kenpo, and again I am ready! 
Until next time!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Day 22

Yesterday was the start of a new week, we went back to Yoga this week to start it off and it was an amazing workout.  I love what yoga does for me and Fibromyalgia.  My son and I did the whole workout and there is only a few position that we can not do because we are not flexible enough to do them, but we are getting better.  That is so encouraging!  Yoga, has given me everything I thought it would and more.  The poses are getting easier each time I do them, but it still kicks my butt, I am excited about my choice of workout and the core strength that I have already gained.

Week 4 is going to be a tough week, because there are a lot of strength exercises built into this workout, the first being Yoga.  Today is Core Synergistics a total body workout, that works on  different muscle groups to improve your flexibility, balance and coordination.  I am ready for this new workout, and my body is getting in great shape because of P90X. 

I am a little sore today, but it is a good sore and I gained so much from the Yoga last night.  The workout before this one was X Stretch, so my body has loved the last two workouts.  They are built into the routine to help you get the most out of week 4, a turning point in the P90X workout.  I think it is designed to give you a core stretch before you do a complete workout like the one today.

Until Next Time!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Day 21

Today was the best workout at the best time, I was feeling like I needed a deep core stretch and I got it with X Stretch.  My body needed this!

I was so looking forward to this workout and now that it is over I wish I could do it again.  For those of you that have Fibromyalgia, X Stretch is the bomb.  The different stretches are amazing on the different muscle groups and by mixing it up you get a deeper stretch than you could ever imagine.  I would recomend this to anyone that has sore muscles all the time.  I took it slow in the begining, but now my stretch is going deeper and deeper each and evertime I do this workout.

Out of all of the workouts this is the best one for me, it is giving me what I need to help strengthen my body and helps to control my disease.  I know ths sound funny, but it is true! 

Until next time!

Day 20

Yesterday was Kenpo, and I brought it!  When I first did this workout, I thought there was no way this was going to do anything for me.  Now, I don't feel that way because I see what it is giving my body in return.  This workout is tough and for the first time in 3 tries I did the whole workout, and I have to say I feel amazing.  Kenpo, if done correctly, is one of the best workouts.

This workout is building in places that I never thought possible.  All the punches and kicks are building flexibility and strength in my legs and back, not to mention, my shoulders and arms.  I feel better after this workout than after any of the other workouts.

Until next time,
Bring It!

Day 19

Yesterday, was legs and back, it was a great workout and I was very sore the day after, but I quickly turned the soreness into stronger muscles.  My legs have to be the weak part of my body, but this workout is fine tuning those parts that need the work.
When I started the workout I used weights 10lbs-15lbs, but quickly went to 8lbs because I felt my muscles start to tighten up,  I finished the workout by doing the different exercises without weights.  I have set the table for things to come with adding weights to this workout.  Later down the road I should be able to add different weights without any problem.  The legs and back workout focuses on different muscles that I know I don't use, so I am build core strength and inner and outer as well.  I know that this routine is helping, because I do not get as tired as most do at work.  I am able to go longer hours at work and afterwards finish off the day with a 55 minute workout.
There is no way I can do this without my routine, Vemma in the morning, Verve on the days I work at Wal-Mart, and two old goats when I need it but especially after and before each workout.

I am so pumped right now I can't wait until the next workout, I going to go for now, but I will see you soon!
Until next time,

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Day 18

Yoga, what an amazing workout, long but really good, I mean really good!  I was able to do almost all the poses this time and my body is paying for it today.  Was it worth it! Yes, I have gained so much by pushing myself.  I now have more flexibility than I have ever had.  My muscles are changing and so is my Disease, I believe that this is working, the muscle confusion is doing it's job.  There were some very hard poses in this workout and while I do not have the flexibility to do all of them right, I was able to do them and that shows improvement. 
The first 45 minutes of this workout is very tough with a lot of different poses that is hard on the body, but if you can concentrate it makes the poses easier.  The last half is also tough, they are mostly balance poses, which I struggle with.  Even though I struggle with them I am getting better, and with that I am gaining flexibility. 

I love the yoga workout, not because of how tough it is, but what it gives my body and my Disease.  I am sticking to my Routine, 2 old goats and Vemma, they are allowing me to push when I need to and gaining more and more freedom in and throughout this workout. 
Next is legs and back and I am ready!
Bring It!
Until next time,

Monday, May 23, 2011

Day 17

Day 17 is done, although I took 2 days off for my sons graduation from High School.  I was a little uneasy before this workout because I took those days off, but my Routine has held true.  I do not want to sound sarcastic but it's the truth.  I used the cream before and after the workout, drank my Vemma this morning when I woke up and Bam and I still good.  I know without a doubt in my mind that I could not do this workout without this Routine.
Today was shoulders and arms, and I am sore this morning, but not to bad.  I know that the real soreness will come tomorrow, but I will be ready, tonight is Yoga and I am always ready for Yoga.
This workout today tested me, because I am getting stronger and I can feel it.  I started with lower weights (8lbs) per arm, but quickly moved to 15lbs and the new stretch bands that apply different weights.  I have tested the waters and feel real good about the workout.  I am taking all kinds of precautions for injury, spending more time in the warm ups and stretching part of the workout to prevent those things from happening.  This has been an adventure for me, but a great one so far.  I have lost 10lbs, and really haven't given up much of the foods and drinks I love so dearly.  I will be sharing before and after photos, to show the progress at 30, 60 and 90 days.  I feel that good about the progress that I am getting right now.

I have a little soreness in my elbow today, and old injury back in the winter, from trying to throw a snow Ball at my son.  This is the first time it has flared up in weeks.  I have found that using Epsom Salt helps greatly with the pain and have been using it for the last couple of days.  I will monitor it daily to make sure it doesn't get worse.

Today, is Yoga and I am ready!
Bring It!
Until next time,

Day 16

Yesterday was Plyometrics, WOW what a work out.  I have slowly been able to do more and more each and everyday.  I am still amazed by how much I am able to do, and how far I have already come.  This workout is very tough, but my body is adjusting to my routine.  I feel amazing right now!  I can't think back to a time where I felt so good.

Plyometrics, has a lot of movement where I am building strength in my lower body.  There are a lot of squats and jumps that I struggle with, but have been able to modify some of the moves to allow for less pounding on my feet and ankles.  I still get the value out of the workout, just not as high as those on the Video.  Tony, tells you constantly on the video that quality over quantity is always better, that is how I am looking at it right now.  The stories from those that have completed the 90 day test is what motivates me to press on.  Most of the people involved were just like me when they started this workout, well almost, I haven't met very many people with Fibromyalgia & Lupus attempting the workout.

Tomorrow is Shoulders and arms, and I am ready!
Bring It P90X!
Until next time,

Day 15

Yesterday, was the start of week 3 and I feel really good.  The workout was chest and back and I brought it today.  I still have not done a pull up, I am still using the bands to get me to that point.  I have tried to do a pull up here and there, I just don't see me increasing like I am with the bands. 
I have been able to add more weight to my workout.  When we started this back on day one, I used the smallest weight in the house.  Now, I have stepped it up to a middle weight and even went back to the store and bought different stretch bands to help give me a chance at a bettter workout. 
This workout is very intense with a lot of push ups and pull ups.  Today I was able to do almost all of this workout, I even did the push ups right.  I feel my body changing each and every day.  I was doing push ups on my knees in the begining now I can handle them the correct way. 

I am still following my routine by using the 2 old goats cream before and after each workout, I have also added applying it before I go to bed and when I wake up.  The morning after is always the worst, and I am always so sore, but the cream relieves the pain and relaxes most of it away.  The Vemma is still a huge part of my routine and I have stuck to it like a glove.  I would not be here without it, so I owe all my progress to Vemma.  I am ready for Plyometrics tomorrow!
Bring It!

Until Tomorrow,

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Day 14

Yesterday was X Stretch and what an amazing workout!  I love this workout routine all the way through it.  The routine starts with standing ad seated stretches mixed in with a little Ballistic and Static stretches as well.  This is a very deep workout for the whole body, and after a week of pounding on the body with different workouts, this is amazing on the body.  X Stretch is my favorite next to Yoga!
I have found a couple of stretches I do before and after work that really help me recover from day to day from this routine.  My son is even thinking about adding this to his routine before Friday Night Football Games, it is that good!
This workout is the end to week 2 now we are about to start week 3 and I have more energy than I have had in Years.  Plus, I think this whole routine is giving me things I never thought I would have again.  One being flexibility, I never dreamed that I could reach my ankles with a straight leg, that happened today in this workout.  The lowest I was ever able to go was to my calf muscles, and that was stretching it. 
This workout ends week 2 and I have already lost 10lbs., I am getting stronger and I have more energy.

My recovery routine is working like I thought it would, actually even better than I thought.  I use the 2 old goats before and after each workout.  I drink my Vemma in the morning to knock out the inflammation and a Verve energy drink when I am working to give me the energy I need to complete this workout each night. Bring it P90X

Until next time,

Day 13

Yesterday, was Kenpo and what a workout!  This workout is different, but very effective, I wasn't sure what my body would get from this workout, now I know.  I am building strength in my upper body with this workout.  How?  The movement with the punches and the quickness in the different moves.  I am not throwing punches it is more of a whole body movement.  Plus, my legs are getting more and more flexible as we journey through this workout routine.  I like what Kenpo is bringing to this workout, a little more cardio, and a lot of movement with different parts of my body.  Things that I never used before.  Maybe it's the way we move those different body parts, but all in all I like what I am getting from this workout!

Until next time,

Day 12

Yesterday was Legs and Back, I was able to push myself a little more this time around.  I have been able to recover a little faster each day, that is something I didn't expect going into this.  I figured my body would be very sore no matter how or what I did.  That is not the case however, each workout my body is getting stronger and I feel my muscles are getting used to this workout.  I am very casious about over doing it, I don't want to have an injury that will set me back.
One of the things I have been doing to prevent an injury is stretching my body as often as I think about it.  Plus, in this workout we warm up before we stretch, to me that is huge.  My body has the ability to get lose and then we stretch. 

My calf muscles were worn out after this workout, but it didn't take me long to recover.  I have increased the weights and the band strentgh this week which is helping to improve my strength in my back.  Before this workout I had a very weak back, now I feel it getting stronger! 

This workout is tough, especially the Wall Sits (takes me back to High School Basketball).  I am looking forward to Kenpo tomorrow! 

Until next time,

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Day 11

Yesterday was Yoga, and boy was the workout tough.  I still love Yoga though!  The poses are hard, sometimes very hard, but worth every minute.  Still I was able to do more this time and actually went through the whole workout 1 1/2 hours worth.  My family went through it this time and they all thought this was the marker for the P90X.  If we can get through this workout from beginning to end then we have arrived in P90X.  Yes, it's that tough!

I felt very sore this morning when I woke up, but I used 2 old goats after the workout, before I went to bed and when I woke up this morning.  Relaxing my muscles seems to be working very well for this workout, and it allows me to recover faster than.  Plus, the Vemma and Verve play a big role in my recovery from day to day.

I can say that the first half of this workout is the tester.  If you can make it through that you can do this workout.  The last half is much calmer, and allows you to get a deeper stretch, which is improving my flexibility real fast.  When I started this workout I couldn't touch my toes with a straight leg, now just 11 days into this routine, I can almost touch my toes with a straight leg.  WOW!

Tomorrow is Legs and Back and I am ready for this workout!

Until next time

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Day 10

Yesterday was shoulders & arms, and I pushed myself pretty hard today, the muscle confusion is still working.  My muscles are still sore afterwards but it is starting to go away faster and faster each and everyday.  The first time I did this workout last week, I used the stretch bands for all the lifting instead of weights.  Today I mixed it up, and used 8lbs weights for most of the workout and used 15lbs for a few exercises, but still used the stretch bands when I got tired.  My plan is to ween myself off the stretch bands and use weights all they way through the workout, that will come with time.  I don't want to wear myself out the first time through the workout and still have the energy to finish to the end.  The workout are getting easier and easier, but I also know I am not pushing myself to the limit yet.  That will come with time!  As my body get used to this new routine I will be able to add a little more each time.

I have had so many people ask me how I am able to do this workout.  My answer, two things that allow me to make this work.  First, is 2 old goats, the cream that relaxes my muscles ad allows me to recover faster and faster each and every day.  Without this cream I would not be able to return to the workout table as fast as I have.  Second reason, Vemma & Verve, the reason I am even doing this workout in the first place.  If I didn't have this drink I wouldn't even try this workout.  The drink is taking care of all the inflammation in my body which allows me to push myself each and every day.  Plus, it is giving me all the vitamins and minerals each and everyday to replenish what I lose through each workout.  The Verve is there to help me get through those tough days at work and they send me home ready to workout.  There have been a few time that I have drank one after a workout to supplement the workout, could be part of the reason I am losing weight.

Well that's enough about that, I am so excited that this is working, I think there are others that can do what I am doing, and maybe someday other will try this.  P90X is awesome and soon my body will show the results.  I have planned to show my before and after photos here on facebook, so stay tuned in for the next couple of months for the results.

Until Next Time!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Day 9

Yesterday was Plyometrics and WOW am I sore today, but still no muscle pain.  I'm really surprised that I have not have muscle spasms, but I am glad I haven't, because that would slow me down.  This was probably the hardest workout of them all, so much movement and pressure on the muscles. As the day went on at work my legs were not as sore, I am getting used to the routine and that is good for my body and for Fibro.
I was able to do almost all of the workout, each exercise is 30 seconds and I am getting used to the different positions.  I am ready for the next workout today, Arms and Shoulders.  My job is getting more and more stressful but this workout is making me days shorter and better.  I never thought that would happen in a million years.  I fell amazing right now, and I am so glad I have stuck with this even though it is tough and with our hectic schedule it is going to get even tougher.
I am thinking about moving my workout to the mornings so I will have time to complete each workout with our 17 year old son's summer schedule.  I guess I will make that decision when the time comes.  Right now I am in a routine and I am sticking with it.
I think the 2 old goats is playing a huge part in the soreness and lack of muscle spasms.  I have been using it more often, but it's doing the job so why change now.  P90X is all about muscle confusion and I think it is working for me right now.
Here's the reason I chose this workout!  Every morning I wake up and I am sore whether I work or not.  I can get out of bed and spend all day on the couch and I am sore the next day.  Some times I even stretch it a bit and play 18 holes of golf, and I am sore just the same.  What I did was looked at this workout and said what the heck, if I going to be sore no matter what I do, why not try something different!  So here I am 9 days into this workout feeling just as sore, if I sat on the couch all day.  Okay, maybe a little more than that, but I can live with the soreness, if it means that my body will benefit in the end.
I have set out to do something different, to dare to be different (Dagarmo & Key)!

So Bring It P90X!

Day 8

Today, I am very sore, but I pushed myself to do a lot more in yesterdays workout.  I finished the entire workout and did more reps in the workout, I can see this workout working and doing what I thought it would.  The muscle confusion is working and the Vemma is allowing me to push myself to the limit.  I used the 2 old goats more last night and today than I ever have, but it works, so why not use it!  The workout was Chest & Back- a lot of pushups and pull ups, with a little weights mixed in + the AB Ripper X workout to close the session.  When I started this workout 1 week ago I could not do the AB Ripper X at all, last night I did about 3/4 of the workout, my body is repsonding well to this workout and I am supprised to say the least.  I beleive that this might even be a break through, for all with this disease. 

5 years ago when I was first diagnosed with Fibro. & Lupus, I thought my life was over.  I spent a lot of time pouting and feeling sorry for myself.  4 years ago when I found Vemma and sarting using it as my treatment, I never thought I would be able to take on such a feat as P90X, but I am here and so far it is working.  I have a plan in place and right now that plan is working, I know that this is a long process, but I am not looking ahead, I am taking it in a day a time. 

I don't want what I am saying to take away from this amazing workout, P90X is everything I thought it would be and more.  This workout is a complete workout, there is more to this workout then just pumping iron, and I think that's what makes this workout so successful.  The Yoga and X Stretch are probably my favorites, because of what they are doing for my muscles.  The other workouts are tough to say the least, but they add a variety that adds to what I am doing each and everyday.

This morning when I woke up, I took a shot of Vemma, to give my body the recovery time it needs, so I will be ready for the next workout later today.  That was early this morning, it's 1pm and I feel much better already.  I will stretch here in about an hour to get even more out of my body. 

Today, is Plyometrics and this workout is so tough, I will need this recovery time to make it through this workout.  I am trying to pace myself, each and everyday, to get the most out of each workout.

Until Tomorrow!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Day 7

Today was X Stretch and it was awesome.  I stretched things I didn't even know I had, and I was very sore today.  The thing about posting the day after I get a good feel for how my body is responding to this workout, and something to reflect on later down the road.  My arms were so sore this morning, but still no muscle cramps and I owe that to Vemma.  Vemma has taken care of my body better than I could have ever imagined, I still have the sore feelings in the morning and throughout the night, but this drink has allowed me to push myself to new and higher bounds.  My son and wife are feeling the effects of the workouts and they do not use the products I do.  It is a testimony of how good this really is.

The stretching was amazing for my whole body, if you would have told me that I would gain flexibility throughout this workout I would have called you crazy.  However, I feel my body changing and my flexibility is getting better with each workout.  I am looking forward to each workout and the next day as well, I thought I would never see that again.

The static stretches were amazing for my whole body, and I even took the advice of Frank Gresham, but I did do somethings that he said not to do.  The ballistic stretches were also very useful in this workout.  Although, I did not do them for very long, they still helped me a whole lot.

I used my cream 2 old goats a little more today than I have in the past couple of workouts, because my body is still adjusting to this new routine.  I can say that I felt the stretches more than the weight workouts, I never thought that would happen. 

The last 5 years of my life I have been a lazy couch potato, wondering when I would be able to do something like this.  I always blamed my Fibromyalgia for not doing something like this, now I can't use that excuse any more.  I am glad I took that leap, but even more glad that I am sticking with it through the aches and pains.  The best things in life are not free and this workout is proving that.

Until next time!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Day 6

Today was Kenpo, was not sure what to expect from this workout, but again it did not disappoint.  I was amazed today to see that I was sore, I didn't feel it until after the workout.  The amazing thing is I believe this workout was as tough as the the first one, but my body is getting used to this system. 

Kenpo, is a boxing style exercise, and it was tough.  There was a lot of movement and changing direction, again something I am not good at because of the poor flexibility.  I have noticed that I am getting better though, when we stretch out I can almost touch my toes and this is day 6.  I can only imagine where I will be at day 20, 30, 40 and 90.  The amazing thing to me is the workout instructors are challenged by this workout and they have mastered the whole workout.  I am a beginner and what I have seen so far is this workout will push me all the way to the end.

Kenpo, had a lot of movement with the arms and from a squat position, very difficult at first, but again with time able to do more and give more.  I stuck to my routine, the same routine I have spoken of in earlier posts, and still it works for me. 

Today is the day after Kenpo, and I am feeling good, about to go play 18 holes of golf, walking it for those that want to know.  Later today will be X Stretch and my body is so ready for that, my muscles are screaming for a good stretch. 

Bring It!

Day 5

Today was legs and back, and it was tough the first time through, I was tired because I worked until 9:30, should have been off at 8.  The Verve energy drink did get me through the workout though, plus I used the two old goats before and after the workout.  The best thing about this cream is it relaxes the muscles so well I can get more out of them each and every workout.  I think the tough thing about this workout today is all I do at work is walk, bend and stretch the same way everyday.  This workout is introducing new ways to my body that I haven't done since I was diagnosed with Fibro & Lupus.  I was to affraid to try something like this, becuse my body was always screaming NO!

To be completly honest with you the Vemma (which I have been using this as my treatment for 4 years now, has always taken care of the muscle pain and it is the reason I am able to make this workout work).  I now trust the Vemma more than I ever have!  I still feel the muscle soreness, but still have had very limited muscle pain or spasms.  In fact, the spasms have come in the workouts only, that's amazing to me!  When I take it easy in the workouts I get no spasms, it is only when I push a little more that they come.

My legs and back need this workout today, all I use them for is support, in order to get the most out of this workout they have got to get stronger, and they are getting stronger.  I noticed on the poses that I could not hold them for very long the first time through, but when we repeated them I was better.

I was a little sore in my legs the day after this workout, but as I got to moving around at work, it got eaiser and eaiser to move around.  I am excited about each day with P90X, something I thought I would never say again.

Until next time!

Day 4

Today was yoga, and let me say I thought I would never say this in my life, but my boday loved the workout.  I think this was probably the most difficult thing I have ever done, but it was amazing.  The stretches in this workout gave my body the relief it was asking for.

I still used the two old goats before the workout, to relax my muscles, so I could get the most out of the yoga workout.  The workout itself was 1 1/2 hours long, I only made it through 1 hour, but it was the best hour so far.  I could have pushed myself to do the other 1/2 hour, but I didn't think I needed it.  I got what I needed from the first hour.

I was at work at 6pm and choose to drink a Verve Energy Drink to make it through the rest of my day at work, and let me say that I am glad I did, because I worked about 1 hour over today at work.  Without the Energy drink I would have been to tired to workout when I got home.  If you can believe this, the workouts are making my job eaiser.  I am gaining more and more with each workout I complete.

My routine is the same everyday, I take a 2oz. shot of Vemma each morning, whick take care of the muscle pain, all I have to deal with is the soreness, I can do that.  I drink an Verve energy drink about 2 hours before I come home from work and the workout is pretty easy so far.  My body is starting to adjust to this routine, and my muscle memory is getting stronger each and everyday.  I also use the two old goats as often as I need to help with the muscle sorness, my 17 year old son has started using this cream (two old goats) and he can't believe how much it helps the muscles. 

I would recomend this workout for anyone with this disease (Fibro or Lupus) because the muscle confusion is working.  We are doing 320-350 different move each workout and then we do different stretches each night to help with that confusion.  I love what this workout has given me!

Until next time!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Day 3

Yesterday, was an amazing workout, it was very tough but I made it through all the exercises and I was able to push myself a little more and I feel really good, the muscle confusion is working from what I can tell.  Today was shoulders & arms and I brought it!

I use the two old goats before and after each work out, to relax my muscles before and after each workout,  I am so glad that I chose this workout, it is going to push me to the limit and I need that. I felt really good today at work, and I am little surprised that I am not to sore.

After each workout I am waiting until the next day to post to see how the workout fully affects me.  I have to say that I feel better than I have in years.  I see the instructor and his team struggling through this workout, so I feel so much better when I struggle.

My routine has stayed the same for the most part even though I had to work today.  I drank a 2oz. Vemma every morning, to fight the muscle pain and inflammation, about 2 hours before I came home today I drank a Verve energy drink to give me the energy to make it through this rough challenge.

P90X is a beast, but I love this workout!  I can't wait for tomorrow Yoga!
See ya tomorrow,

Friday, May 6, 2011

Day 2

Day 2 with P90X is in the books and I am not looking forward to day 3.  I am very sore today from day 1 & 2, but my I will push on today.

The workout was very tough and there was no weights at all, there was a lot of bending and jumping things I  have not done for 5+ years.  I was not able to do all the exercises the first time around, but got into a grove the second time around.  My body is very sore today, but the Vemma has helped greatly with the spasms and muscle pain, there is almost none.  I have been using the two old goats cream more often these past few days.  The cream is relaxing my muscles throughout the day, which has helped a great deal. 

I have expected to have muscle spasms but have not experienced them yet, I know they will probably come soon, but for now I will enjoy not having them.  Even though I am sore (really sore), I still somehow feel better just having done this workout.  I know it sound weird, but in some weird way it's true.  I am not looking forward to the next workout, but I am not looking back either.

P90X is tough for those that do it everyday, I am still banking on the muscle confusion getting me through to the next day, and the next, and the next...

See you next time,

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Day 1

Yesterday, I started P90X, and let me say it was very intense! The workout was Chest and Back, plus AB Ripper X, and I was dead afterwards. I was unable to do some of the exersices in the video because I am not that flexable.
I will continue to push myself in that area of flexablility and get better each and everyday.
Now, with all that said, I am pretty sore this morning, but not hurting and I still believe that is the Supplements that I have chosen to use throughout this process. This morning I woke up early and stretched really good and applied the Two Old Goats cream after the stretch. I feel much better, but still a little tight.
Overall I feel good in my back and my arms, which is a great sign for the workout today!

I apprecite all the encouragement from my facebook family, it means a lot to hear from you weather good or bad. What I am doing is big for me and for all who have this disease!

I will continue to post after each workout, to show the progress and the setbacks as well. I want to give accurate information so no one is mislead. In return, I would love to hear your comments good or bad, what you agree with and don't agree with. I am a grown man and I can take it!

See you later today!

The Background

Before, I start the Battle between Fibro. & P90X, I want to lay a little background work.

What is P90X?

Answer, it is an intense video workout, by Tony Horton. I was at home watching TV late one night when this P90X came on. I was very interested right away, because of the muscle confusion in the workouts. My hope is that my muscles will be confused throughout this whole process. I know that it is a stretch, but again it my hope. Here is a breakdown of all the different workouts with P90X:
Day 1 Chest & Back + AB Ripper X
Day 2 Plyometrics
Day 3 Shoulders & Arms + AB Ripper X
Day 4 Yoga X
Day 5 Legs & Back + AB Ripper X
Day 6 Kenpo X
Day 7 X Stretch
Day 8 Core Synergistics
Day 9 Chest, Shoulders & Triceps + AB Ripper X
Day 10 Back & Biceps
Day 11 Cardio X
Day 12 AB Ripper X

I took the physical exam before and I thought I did okay, but in my mind nothing can prepare you for a workout like this. I have found that stretching often help with the soreness and muscle pain. This workout is designed to keep your muscles guessing, which is a good thing!

Here are the tools need for this workout program:
Weights (you can use stretch bands instead, is what I will use, they are easier on the muscles).
Stretch Bands
Push up bars (can get at academy for $10)
Pull up bar (we are using an Iron Gym) (I am using Stretch Bands for the pull ups)
And a Workout Mat (Price ranges from $10-30 at wal-mart & academy)(Personal Favorite $19 mat from wal-mart)

Here is my plan for the supplement part of this workout:

It is highly recommended that when you workout to supplement different products in your body before and after your workout. I plan on doing that, but not with P90X products, they are to expensive.
My plan is a little different but I am still going to share it.
First, Before my workout starts I take a shot of Vemma, my choice of Supplement before each workout, because it will control the muscle pain throughout the work out. Plus, the Vemma will kill all the Inflammation from the workout. I will also rub the area that I am working on with the Two Old Goats to relax my muscles before each workout. I will Hydrate with plenty of water during the workout and finish the workout with a Verve Energy Drink, to replenish my body with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals along with Healthy Energy. Hold on I'm still not done, it is a long process, but worth every penny. I will rub down the area worked with Two Old Goats to help relax those same muscles again and finish off the workout with a very good stretch.

This is not full proof, but I do have a plan, I'm sure I will have to modify it from day to day, because I work 3 12 hours days with Wal-Mart as an Assistant Manager. Once I get in a routine and my body adjusts to it, I think I will be fine.

Now it time to get started!