Today was yoga, and let me say I thought I would never say this in my life, but my boday loved the workout. I think this was probably the most difficult thing I have ever done, but it was amazing. The stretches in this workout gave my body the relief it was asking for.
I still used the two old goats before the workout, to relax my muscles, so I could get the most out of the yoga workout. The workout itself was 1 1/2 hours long, I only made it through 1 hour, but it was the best hour so far. I could have pushed myself to do the other 1/2 hour, but I didn't think I needed it. I got what I needed from the first hour.
I was at work at 6pm and choose to drink a Verve Energy Drink to make it through the rest of my day at work, and let me say that I am glad I did, because I worked about 1 hour over today at work. Without the Energy drink I would have been to tired to workout when I got home. If you can believe this, the workouts are making my job eaiser. I am gaining more and more with each workout I complete.
My routine is the same everyday, I take a 2oz. shot of Vemma each morning, whick take care of the muscle pain, all I have to deal with is the soreness, I can do that. I drink an Verve energy drink about 2 hours before I come home from work and the workout is pretty easy so far. My body is starting to adjust to this routine, and my muscle memory is getting stronger each and everyday. I also use the two old goats as often as I need to help with the muscle sorness, my 17 year old son has started using this cream (two old goats) and he can't believe how much it helps the muscles.
I would recomend this workout for anyone with this disease (Fibro or Lupus) because the muscle confusion is working. We are doing 320-350 different move each workout and then we do different stretches each night to help with that confusion. I love what this workout has given me!
Until next time!
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