Saturday, May 14, 2011

Day 10

Yesterday was shoulders & arms, and I pushed myself pretty hard today, the muscle confusion is still working.  My muscles are still sore afterwards but it is starting to go away faster and faster each and everyday.  The first time I did this workout last week, I used the stretch bands for all the lifting instead of weights.  Today I mixed it up, and used 8lbs weights for most of the workout and used 15lbs for a few exercises, but still used the stretch bands when I got tired.  My plan is to ween myself off the stretch bands and use weights all they way through the workout, that will come with time.  I don't want to wear myself out the first time through the workout and still have the energy to finish to the end.  The workout are getting easier and easier, but I also know I am not pushing myself to the limit yet.  That will come with time!  As my body get used to this new routine I will be able to add a little more each time.

I have had so many people ask me how I am able to do this workout.  My answer, two things that allow me to make this work.  First, is 2 old goats, the cream that relaxes my muscles ad allows me to recover faster and faster each and every day.  Without this cream I would not be able to return to the workout table as fast as I have.  Second reason, Vemma & Verve, the reason I am even doing this workout in the first place.  If I didn't have this drink I wouldn't even try this workout.  The drink is taking care of all the inflammation in my body which allows me to push myself each and every day.  Plus, it is giving me all the vitamins and minerals each and everyday to replenish what I lose through each workout.  The Verve is there to help me get through those tough days at work and they send me home ready to workout.  There have been a few time that I have drank one after a workout to supplement the workout, could be part of the reason I am losing weight.

Well that's enough about that, I am so excited that this is working, I think there are others that can do what I am doing, and maybe someday other will try this.  P90X is awesome and soon my body will show the results.  I have planned to show my before and after photos here on facebook, so stay tuned in for the next couple of months for the results.

Until Next Time!

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