Friday, May 27, 2011

Day 19

Yesterday, was legs and back, it was a great workout and I was very sore the day after, but I quickly turned the soreness into stronger muscles.  My legs have to be the weak part of my body, but this workout is fine tuning those parts that need the work.
When I started the workout I used weights 10lbs-15lbs, but quickly went to 8lbs because I felt my muscles start to tighten up,  I finished the workout by doing the different exercises without weights.  I have set the table for things to come with adding weights to this workout.  Later down the road I should be able to add different weights without any problem.  The legs and back workout focuses on different muscles that I know I don't use, so I am build core strength and inner and outer as well.  I know that this routine is helping, because I do not get as tired as most do at work.  I am able to go longer hours at work and afterwards finish off the day with a 55 minute workout.
There is no way I can do this without my routine, Vemma in the morning, Verve on the days I work at Wal-Mart, and two old goats when I need it but especially after and before each workout.

I am so pumped right now I can't wait until the next workout, I going to go for now, but I will see you soon!
Until next time,

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