Saturday, May 28, 2011

Day 22

Yesterday was the start of a new week, we went back to Yoga this week to start it off and it was an amazing workout.  I love what yoga does for me and Fibromyalgia.  My son and I did the whole workout and there is only a few position that we can not do because we are not flexible enough to do them, but we are getting better.  That is so encouraging!  Yoga, has given me everything I thought it would and more.  The poses are getting easier each time I do them, but it still kicks my butt, I am excited about my choice of workout and the core strength that I have already gained.

Week 4 is going to be a tough week, because there are a lot of strength exercises built into this workout, the first being Yoga.  Today is Core Synergistics a total body workout, that works on  different muscle groups to improve your flexibility, balance and coordination.  I am ready for this new workout, and my body is getting in great shape because of P90X. 

I am a little sore today, but it is a good sore and I gained so much from the Yoga last night.  The workout before this one was X Stretch, so my body has loved the last two workouts.  They are built into the routine to help you get the most out of week 4, a turning point in the P90X workout.  I think it is designed to give you a core stretch before you do a complete workout like the one today.

Until Next Time!

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